Colour and succulents

It was Deirdre’s birthday this week – she had a party yesterday to celebrate. She and David have fairly recently (in the past couple of years or so) bought a house after renting forever. It is a weird transition sometimes; the responsibility of debt a bit freaky in my memory, the ‘permanence’. Deirdre has appeared here before – she is wired for colour and vibrancy – and her new place reflects that big time. One of the benefits of your own place is that you can decorate how you want, and they have taken to the color theme in a bold and glorious way. Yesterday we birthday guests participated in this process of moving from a neutral, ‘tasteful’  palette to something much wilder and warmer. It was fun.

Here are some pics – a kind of before through to after (click to enlarge as usual)…

Everyone had a good time – Layla was great as a kind of coordinator and others of us did bits or cheered from the sidelines. I did a little bit of the top yellow layer and some of the yellow drips, but mostly took pics thinking of this blog (a kind of virtual neutral wall that I paint week after week).

Here are some other photos of Deirdre’s colourful place and her succulents…

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2 Responses to Colour and succulents

  1. nickypage says:

    Artists! Gotta love them 🙂

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