Weeping, drooping, prostrate and gorgeous

I went to Wittunga Botanical Garden today – first time I have been there for ages. It was originally a property – house and land – which was left to the state’s botanical gardens in the 1960’s – by the son of the original owner. He was a big gardener apparently, and was particularly interested in native gardens – unusual for that time. He also saw the links between Australian and South African plants, and the similarities of climate here in South Australia and South Africa. Consequently, the garden is full of proteas, leucodendrons, banksias, ericas, correas, hakeas, and on and on. It also has a couple of lakes, many birds, and is beautiful. I was particularly struck by the weeping forms of plants, and the elegance of drooping branches and prostrate forms too – this suggestion of, what, weakness, or limpness, in the naming of the plants belied by their actual beauty. I suspect sometimes that our own weaknesses are also beauties in disguise as well. Or at least that our beauty is made more so (somehow) by the inevitability of what we lack. But this might just be hopeful thinking on my part!
Here are some pics from the day (click to enlarge) …


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4 Responses to Weeping, drooping, prostrate and gorgeous

  1. Mandy Laidlaw says:

    Beautiful photos, especially like the tree trunks.
    Never met a tree I didn’t like!
    Cheers Mandy xxxooo

  2. nickypage says:


    Dearest Elizabeth, such a lovely photo/essay. I grew up just a hearty stone’s throw away from Wittunga and so learnt about Alison Ashby, artist and daughter of property owner. She is central to the story. See the link 🤓

    Sent from my HTC on the Telstra Mobile network

    • Hi Nicky,
      What a great woman she sounds – that classic strong but unassuming type if I can put it that way. Fantastic to read about it. Thanks for the comment and great addition to the post.
      Love and see you soon – Elizabeth

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